

Department of Biology
University of Ottawa

30 Marie Curie Pvt. Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5

stephane.aris-brosou at uottawa.ca

Updated: March 6, 2020


Join us!

If you are interested in joining us, please send a curriculum vitae (PDF only) and a cover letter to sarisbro at uottawa dot ca. Knowledge of a programming language is required. Prior experience with statistical modelling and high performance computing is an asset.

Honours' students: only exceptional candidates will be considered. Research topics with thesis only.

Undergraduate studentships: severeal funding possibilities exist: (1) NSERC has an excellent program for summer students; the application deadline is usually in early February of each year. (2) the University of Ottawa has a program for undergraduate students. (3) Coop students may also be considered. Additional sources of funding are available here.

Graduate students: MSc / PhD students must be registered either through Biology or Mathematics and Statistics. The corresponding programs are listed here for Bioinformatics, Biology and Mathematics and Statistics. Before applying, please consult the Financial Support page of each department and the various scholarships and awards that are available. If your admission average at least 8.0/10, you are eligible for an Admission Scholarship valued at $72,000 or more. To apply, just go to the Apply Now page! Students from outside of Ontario can also consider a cotutelle.

Postdoctoral fellows: interested postdoctoral fellows and research associates should consult the university's information page for application procedures. Numerous Postdoctoral Fellowships are available!